about us.
welcome to camp miyazaki, a summer camp that exceeds far beyond the standard expectations. as a camper, you'll have the opportunity to design the summer of your dreams as you discover our core values and form close-knit relationships with your fellow campers. at camp miyazaki, we aspire to make you feel at home and give you an experience that will last a lifetime.

mission statement.
camp miyazaki was created with the intention to provide a home for those who desire to experience something more for the summer. the camp is located in aoshima island, which resides off the coast of miyazaki city in japan. the island ambience will allow you to feel completely distanced from the mainland as you venture through the camp and engage in a variety of events, such as daily activities, water sports, and the annual miyazaki ball.

a typical day at camp miyazaki.

08:00wake-up call, morning intercom, and raising the flag.
08:20breakfast at the dining hall.
08:30breakfast with your cabin.
09:15return to the cabins and prepare for activities.
09:30activity one.
10:30activity two.
11:30activity three.
12:30 lunch at the dining hall.
13:15down time. spend an hour doing what your heart desires (water sports, ziplining, exploring the coast).
14:15activity four.
16:15activity five.
17:15dinner at the dining hall.
18:00final down time.
20:00night event. this includes bonfires, scary stories, concerts, etc.
23:00night-time snack. you may visit the canteen to purchase food or stock up for the night.
24:00lights out. it is up to you whether you sleep or simply carry on with the night. however, you cannot leave your cabin.

upon arriving at camp miyazaki, the first thing we require you to do is take our cabin sorting quiz. this quiz uses the answers you submit to generate a cabin that fits the essence of your character. there are three main cabins in which each comprises of different values that forms the nature of the cabin. once you have been placed into your respective cabin, this will become your home for the duration of the summer. your cabin mates will be the people you eat with, sleep with, and form teams with during competitions. get to know them well!

*note: the quiz will not be available until camp is open. make sure you check back here on check-in day to find out your cabin!

kaonashi cabin.
kaonashi campers value ambition, passion, and determination. these individuals are the leaders that everyone needs or aspires to be. a kaonashi camper manages to remain level-headed through numerous situations and makes decisions based on logic and principles rather than feelings and emotions. outside of their leadership nature, kaonashi campers are quite comical and loves to pull a joke every now and then, displaying their versatile personality.

totoro cabin.
totoro campers value kindness, consideration, and generosity. due to these values, they are regarded to be people that are soft-hearted and gentle. though totoro campers prefer to stray away from loud atmospheres, they can’t help but live in the spotlight and be the life of the party. in addition, they would rather give than take and are the type of people their friends come to for an ear to listen as well as a shoulder to lean on.

ponyo cabin.
ponyo campers value diplomacy, sincerity, and wit. they are observant in a sense that minuscule occurrences easily missed by others could not be overlooked by them. ponyo campers remain diligent and carefree, making them exceptionally gifted at maintaining friendships through their entertaining personality. these individuals are the mood-makers of the group and are proficient in recognizing the right time to lighten the mood.